Monday, 20 April 2020

My First PowerBI Custom Visual

My First PowerBI Custom Visual was an attempt to port my THREE.JS browser based visual.  The port was simple, but I had to cut some of the magic.

My original browser based visual was 7 visuals in one which could transform, filter, recolor, etc.  I was now going to take advantage of PowerBI suppliying the data and performing calculations, grouping, etc.

Originally, the visual represented every record as a partical which would move and recolor to formulat the visuals.  However, with PowerBI performing the groupings and calculations, I don't have visibilty of every record, just the resulting data set.

My first goal was to port a simple implimentation of my "clock" visual.  Instead of particals, I rewrote the visual to use a BoxBufferGeometry.  I also opted to rotate a parent group, where-as previously, I moved the camera.
My First 3D PowerBI Visualisation
Finishing touches included support for selection, highlighting and tooltips.  Lastly, a scale line which moves with the mouse and the ability to control angle of view and rotation.
My First 3D PowerBI Visualisation (Tooltip and Scale)

I hope to reveal some of the code and techniques I used to create this visual in future blog posts.  Please contact me if you interested in knowing more.

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